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April 2017

What is the Connection between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Diseases?

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Several studies have linked periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. Although researchers have not yet established evidence that either condition causes the other, there is evidence that periodontal disease increases your risk of developing heart disease. Managing your dental health just as you do your overall health can help you better manage your heart disease risk factors.

Scientists theorize that periodontal disease triggers a body-wide inflammatory response that can trigger the onset of heart disease. Plaque may build up in the arteries, and they may stiffen in response to the inflammation. In some cases, periodontal disease may be detrimental to the health of those who already have heart disease because it can exacerbate the condition. These patients may need to use antibiotics before certain types of dental procedures in order to minimize the risk of infective endocarditis.

Periodontal disease has also been associated with stroke. According to one study, those who were diagnosed with acute cerebrovascular ischemia were more likely to suffer from periodontal disease or another oral infection at the time of their strokes than those in the control group.

You can combat heart disease and periodontal disease by maintaining a healthy diet that supports healthy body function and boosts your immune system. You can further reduce your risk of periodontal disease by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day and visiting our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and dental exam. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

How Periodontal Disease Affects Diabetes

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Several studies have linked diabetes and periodontal disease. If you have either Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes and periodontitis, you may be more prone to suffering complications due to your periodontitis. Our Los Angeles dental implant specialist explains.

Periodontal disease has long been considered a complication of diabetes. Those who have poor control of their blood glucose levels are at the greatest risk.

People with diabetes often have difficulty fighting off bacterial infections, such as those associated with periodontal disease. Advanced periodontal disease can cause blood sugars to increase as the body struggles to combat the infection and inflammation. Prolonged high blood glucose levels can coat and stiffen the red blood cells, which causes cholesterol to build and interferes with circulation. All the major organs in your body can be affected, but your eyes, feet and kidneys may be the first to suffer the damage.

Controlling your blood sugar levels and treating your periodontitis can reduce the risk of long-term complications that are associated with both conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. Your endocrinologist, primary care physician and our periodontist can all work together to create a treatment plan that will help stabilize your blood sugars and improve your gum health.

You can keep your gums and your entire body healthier by maintaining good control over your blood glucose levels, brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing daily, having professional cleanings twice annually and visiting our periodontist regularly for comprehensive evaluations.

Contact our office today to find out more or to schedule your appointment.

What is a Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation?

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The AAP, or American Academy of Periodontology, recommends that adults receive annual comprehensive periodontal evaluations. A comprehensive periodontal evaluation, or CPE, can provide valuable information about your gum health so that periodontal disease can be caught at its earliest, most treatable stages. A CPE includes an evaluation of your teeth, any plaque deposits, your bite, your bone structure, your gums and any risk factors you have.

Our dentist will be looking for a number of factors that can indicate the presence of gum disease and may:

• Measure pocket depth
• Note any gum recession
• Identify areas of inflammation or bleeding
• Note the presence of plaque or calculus
• Note the presence of prosthetic devices, dental decay and any other tooth-related problems
• Measure bone density and quality

Your risk factors may include:

• Smoking
• Diabetes
• Presence of cardiovascular disease
• Age
• Family history

According to recent research, periodontal disease may affect about half of all adults in the United States. The earlier periodontal disease is identified, the better the prognosis for full recovery and reversal of the disease. The association between periodontal disease and other health conditions, including respiratory infections, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dementia, continues to be underscored in studies, which makes it essential to treat the condition promptly and effectively.

If you are determined to be at risk or are diagnosed as having gum disease, our Los Angeles dental implants specialist will recommend a treatment regimen designed to preserve or restore your gum health. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive periodontal evaluation with Dr. Afar or to learn more.

How Does Laser Treatment for Periodontal Disease Work?

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Periodontal disease is a serious dental health condition that often starts subtly but can deteriorate over time and increase your risk of gum, tooth and bone loss. You may even be at an increased risk of developing general health problems, such as heart disease, respiratory infections, diabetes or pregnancy complications. Our specialist for dental implant in Los Angeles recommends regular dental checkups that can promptly diagnose periodontal disease and a treatment regimen that may include laser treatment for more advanced cases.

Laser treatments are generally used along with scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing, or SRP, is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar buildup above and below the gumline. It is often used in addition to other treatments. Lasers may then be used to reduce swelling, discomfort and bleeding. Lasers may also be able to help quickly and effectively kill the anaerobic, or bad, bacteria lurking along the gumline. This process can be efficient and more effective than a course of antibiotics and can be particularly helpful when antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present. The wavelength can be adjusted as necessary to ensure the best possible results.

Other treatments may also be necessary. Our dentist may recommend periodontal surgery to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets or tighten the gums around the base of teeth. Each case is unique, and our dentist will map out a treatment plan based on your needs and the severity of your periodontal disease. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

What is Crowns Lengthening Procedure?

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Crown lengthening refers to a procedure in which gum tissue is carefully contoured in order to reveal more tooth structure. A crown lengthening procedure may be necessary to complete certain necessary procedures, or it can play a role in a smile makeover for cosmetic purposes.

When our Los Angeles dental implant specialist performs a crown lengthening procedure to improve the appearance of a gummy smile, or a smile that reveals excessive gum tissue, the area is carefully numbed. Then the excess tissue is reshaped and contoured, which exposes the natural tooth underneath. Crown lengthening can be performed for just one tooth or along the entire smile line to create a broader, more symmetrical smile.

A crown lengthening procedure may also be necessary when a tooth has broken off near the gumline or has been extensively damaged by decay in order to expose more tooth structure. This allows for more accurate placement of the dental crown. The procedure is quite similar as the cosmetic procedure, but the tooth is shaped after it has been exposed, and a dental crown is placed on it to complete the restoration.

If you have a gummy smile or your tooth has been significantly damaged and you need a crown, we can help. Our dentist will assess your smile and create a treatment plan that may include crown lengthening to provide you with a healthy, natural-looking smile. Contact our dental office today to learn more or to schedule your initial consultation.

How Multiple Dental Implants Can Replace Lost Teeth

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One or more lost teeth can be replaced using dental implants. Our Los Angeles dental implants specialist can evaluate your dental health in order to determine if you are a candidate for the dental implant procedure.


Dental implants are implanted in the jawbone where the natural tooth was once located and where the prosthetic tooth will eventually be attached. After the procedure, your jawbone will heal around the dental implant in a process known as osseointegration. This has two functions: It helps keep the bone strong and intact, and it creates a powerful, sturdy base for your future restoration whether you have dental crowns, a dental bridge or dentures affixed to them.


Unlike dental bridges and dentures, dental implants are considered a lifelong restoration. The 15-year success rate is 98 percent, which means that 98 percent of those who have dental implants placed still have their restoration 15 years later. Jawbone density tends to decrease when a tooth has been lost, which means that dental bridges and dentures often fail within seven to 10 years and must be replaced or adjusted.

Most people who are strong and healthy enough to undergo routine oral surgery may also be candidates for dental implant surgery. If you have uncontrolled high blood sugar or diabetes, you will need to work with your physician to control your chronic condition prior to undergoing the procedure. If you smoke, you may need to quit for a few weeks before and during the healing period after the procedure for the best results. In some cases, bone or tissue grafts may be necessary in order to ensure a more successful procedure. Each case is different. Our dentist can help you better understand your unique situation and your options. Contact us today to learn more.

When are Full Mouth Dental Implants Used for?

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People who are missing all their teeth can benefit from full mouth dental implants. Our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles may use an implant supported full bridge or denture with these dental implants in order to replace your natural teeth and preserve bone density.

Conventional dentures replace your teeth, but they cannot preserve bone density. Over time, your jawbone will dissolve, and your dentures will need to be adjusted in order to fit your mouth more comfortably and securely. Full mouth dental implants feel and function just like your own natural teeth, and they can support healthy bone density because they fuse with your jaw. Because your bridge or denture is attached to the implants, which act as tooth roots, they are far more stable and permanent than traditional prosthetics.

If you are a candidate for full mouth dental implants, several dental implants will be placed into your jaw to support the prosthetic teeth. Over the next few months, they will be allowed to fuse with the jawbone. Temporary prosthetics may be provided during this time. Once the implant site has healed, abutments will be placed, and crowns, bridges or dentures will be attached.

Each case is unique, and your treatment plan may vary. You may be able to have your final teeth placed at the time your implants are placed, or your healing may require more time than usual. Our dentist will explain your options and discuss your needs at your initial consultation. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your appointment.

What are Dental Implants and Who it a Good Candidate for this Treatment?

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Titanium root forms that are implanted into the jawbone to support a prosthetic tooth are called dental implants. They are commonly recommended for those who have lost teeth due to decay, periodontal disease or injuries. Several types of dental implants are available today, and our Los Angeles dental implants expert will base his recommendation on your needs and preferences.

The best candidates for dental implants enjoy good dental and overall health. They must have adequate bone density in order properly support the dental implants, and gum tissue must be healthy. Some patients may need further treatment before they can undergo the implant procedure. Bone and tissue grafts may be necessary, and those who have uncontrolled high blood pressure or high blood sugar will need to have their health under better control in order to reduce the risk of complications.

Those who have undergone the dental implants procedure generally enjoy an extremely high success rate. Dental implants are considered a permanent restoration option, and they can be used with a variety of prosthetics, including porcelain crowns, dental bridges and dentures. If you need a single tooth replaced, Dr. Afar may recommend a dental crown. If you are missing several teeth, we may recommend a dental bridge. If you are missing an entire arch or all your teeth, Dr. Afar may recommend dentures.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can restore your smile and preserve your dental health? Give us a call today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Afar.

How Periodontal Disease Affects Children

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Children may be at an increased risk of suffering from periodontal disease often due to inadequate oral hygiene or genetics. Our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles recommends routine dental care, frequent professional cleanings and careful attention to dental hygiene in order to reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease.

Chronic gingivitis is one of the more common types of periodontal disease that can affect children. Gums may swell, bleed easily and become inflamed. Gingivitis is best avoided by regular brushing, flossing and professional care. Children may need to be carefully monitored until excellent dental hygiene habits have been well established. They should brush at least two minutes, and they may benefit from electric toothbrushes if they lack adequate fine motor skills.

Kids are also at an increased risk of developing aggressive periodontitis during adolescence. As their hormones begin to fluctuate and increase during puberty, sensitive gum tissue can be affected. Heavy plaque and tartar buildup can aggravate the condition and even loosen teeth.

If your child experiences bleeding during brushing or flossing, has receding gums or chronic bad breath that is not alleviated by brushing and flossing, your child may have periodontal disease. Because periodontal disease can lead to significant dental health complications, early diagnosis and treatment is essential.

The best strategy is one that focuses on prevention. Model good dental habits to your children, and schedule regular dental exams and cleanings for them. Monitor your child’s dental health, and contact our office if you see any signs of concerns. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

How Periodontal Disease Affects Women

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The hormonal changes women experience throughout their lives may leave them more prone to developing periodontal disease. Our Los Angeles dental implant specialist recommends that women become aware of their unique risk factors and take a proactive approach to periodontal disease in order to avoid the many risks associated with the condition.

The hormonal changes of puberty and during menstrual periods can increase the risk of gingivitis. Increase circulation can heighten gum sensitivity and lead to increased reactions to irritants, such as plaque buildup or small particles. Gums may swell, turn red and even become tender. In most cases, gums return to normal once a woman’s period ends.

Pregnancy can also increase the risk of developing gingivitis. The cause of pregnancy-related gingivitis is similar to that associated with menstruation, but the consequences can be quite severe. Women who have pregnancy-related gingivitis face an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth or other adverse outcomes. Increased attention to dental hygiene and regular dental checkups can help women limit their risks.

Although a woman’s reproductive years end with menopause, the risks to her gums do not. Hormonal changes can lead to increased gum irritation, dry mouth, burning mouth and altered taste sensations. Improved dental hygiene can help reduce the risk of gum disease, but it may not be enough to manage these symptoms. Women who are going through menopause should discuss their treatment options with our dentist to ensure continued good dental health.

Contact us today to learn about your periodontal disease risk factors and schedule your evaluation.