Deep Cleaning Services

If you require more than just a regular cleaning your Dentist /Hygienist may prescribe a deep cleaning (Scaling and Root Planning).It is usually done in sections. One half of the mouth is cleaned in one session & you will have to come back for the other half. First, the teeth & the gums are anesthetized then the teeth are cleaned using a combination of ultrasonic & hand instruments. It is normal to experience cold & hot sensitivity after the appointment. Your teeth may even be sensitive to chewing. Your gums will be sore and may bleed.

Sometimes your Dentist /Hygienist may advise the placement of an antibiotic ( arrestin, perio-chip) in the pocket if it greater than 4mm. In that case, patients should postpone brushing for 12 hours and avoid the use of interproximal cleaning devices(flossing) for 10 days. Also, patients should avoid eating hard, crunchy or sticky foods for 1 week.

After the completion of treatment, it is important to follow good home care which includes regular brushing, flossing, using a mouth rinse (prescription or over the counter). Your Dentist / Hygienist may put you on a 3 -4 month follow up care. Failure to comply with it will return your gum condition back to square one. Regular follow up care will create an environment for the gums and bone to heal and will prevent further destruction. Gum disease is a silent disease and the importance of follow up care cannot be overemphasized.