Dental implants have been associated with an increased risk of chronic, low-level inflammation and infection, which can ultimately compromise the immune system. Any foreign object in the body, including dental implants or other prosthetic devices, may also be more subject to inflammation or infection. Candidates for dental implants will have their unique dental health needs evaluated, and our Los Angeles dental implant expert will weigh the pros and the cons of each available treatment option to make the most personalized recommendation possible.
Dental implants, which are made of biocompatible, medical-grade titanium, are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Once the bone has fused sufficiently with the implant, an abutment and dental crown will be placed on it. This result is a natural-looking and feeling restoration that functions just like your own natural teeth.
As with any surgical procedure, dental implants can be associated with some risks. Healing can take from several weeks to several months. During this period, you may be at an increased risk of suffering infection. Maintaining excellent dental hygiene and following our dentist’s post-procedure instructions can minimize these risks. Rarely, dental implants patients may suffer nerve damage at the implant site, which can cause long-term pain or numbness.
After your implant has been placed, brush after meals and floss daily. Visit our dentist on your recommended schedule so that we can evaluate the implant site and adjust our recommendations as needed.
Give us a call today so that we can schedule your appointment with our dentist and provide you with everything you need to know about the dental implants procedure.