Periodontal disease is a serious dental health condition that often starts subtly but can deteriorate over time and increase your risk of gum, tooth and bone loss. You may even be at an increased risk of developing general health problems, such as heart disease, respiratory infections, diabetes or pregnancy complications. Our specialist for dental implant in Los Angeles recommends regular dental checkups that can promptly diagnose periodontal disease and a treatment regimen that may include laser treatment for more advanced cases.
Laser treatments are generally used along with scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing, or SRP, is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar buildup above and below the gumline. It is often used in addition to other treatments. Lasers may then be used to reduce swelling, discomfort and bleeding. Lasers may also be able to help quickly and effectively kill the anaerobic, or bad, bacteria lurking along the gumline. This process can be efficient and more effective than a course of antibiotics and can be particularly helpful when antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present. The wavelength can be adjusted as necessary to ensure the best possible results.
Other treatments may also be necessary. Our dentist may recommend periodontal surgery to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets or tighten the gums around the base of teeth. Each case is unique, and our dentist will map out a treatment plan based on your needs and the severity of your periodontal disease. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.