According to the CDC, nearly half of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by an infection in the gum tissues. Oral bacteria live in dental plaque, and when it is not properly removed, it inflames the gums.
Early symptoms may not be readily noticed, and it can be easy to miss the signs until the condition has advanced. However, over time, the gums, bones and supporting tissues can all be affected. Gums may begin to recede, pockets of infection can develop between the gums and the roots of the teeth, and teeth can become loose. Our Los Angeles dental implant specialist recommends that our patients monitor their teeth and gums for signs of gum disease and visit us regularly for more comprehensive exams designed to catch the condition at its earliest when it is most easily and effectively treated.
Symptoms of gum disease include gums that bleed when teeth are brushed or flossed, inflamed or tender gums, swollen gums or gums that are pulling away from teeth or receding. Chronic bad breath, pockets of pus around the teeth and gums, loose teeth, a shift in bite or shifting alignment can also indicate the presence of gum disease.
Regular brushing and flossing, routine dental exams, professional cleanings and annual comprehensive periodontal evaluations can help catch early symptoms of gum disease. Maintaining good periodontal health can help save your smile. Contact us today to schedule your next checkup with our Los Angeles dental implant specialist.