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Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are one of the safest and most effective tooth replacement options available today. With a more than 30-year record of safety, dental implants are made of titanium, which is extremely compatible with body tissues, and they fuse with the jawbone. As your body heals, it integrates with the implant, which results in a stable, long-lasting support for prosthetic tooth. They are durable enough to withstand daily use, and they look and feel just like your own teeth. Considered one of the most predictable dental procedures and one of the safest, dental implants not only replace your missing teeth but they also stimulate your jawbone, which helps keep it strong and healthy.

Many patients are good candidates for dental implants, including:

• Those who are missing one or more teeth
• Those who have good dental health
• Those whose jaws have finished growing
• Those who prefer a more secure tooth replacement solution than dentures
• Those who are suffering from bite problems, eating difficulties or speech impediments due to one or more missing teeth
• Those who want a long-term solution to tooth loss

During your initial consultation, talking to our dentist about your health history and lifestyle can help us make better suggestions for your dental health. Talk to our dentist about your smoking habits, any health conditions you have and the prescription or over-the-counter medications you take.

Our expert in dental implant in Los Angeles can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation that will help you determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

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Dental implants have been used for more than three decades and have a strong safety record. These titanium root forms replace the root of the missing tooth and fuse with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. This design ensures a stable, long-lasting restoration that can support artificial teeth that look just like your own teeth. Our Los Angeles dental implant expert recommends dental implants as the healthiest tooth replacement option available today.

When you lose a tooth, the gap left behind is unsightly and affects the health and function of your remaining teeth. Fitting a dental implant into the socket can help fill in this gap. Although an extremely safe and effective procedure, dental implants may not be for every patient or every situation. Our dentist will assess your dental health, your lifestyle habits and other factors that affect your candidacy for the procedure.

Most people who have lost a tooth and are healthy enough to undergo dental surgery can benefit from dental implants. The 15-year success rate is greater than 90 percent, which means that most people who receive implants still have and use them 15 years later. Because titanium is highly compatible with human tissue, complications are rare.

Dental implants can even improve your dental health in some cases by stimulating the bone tissue of your jaw, which helps keep it strong, and by closing the gap, which reduces the risks associated with tooth loss. If you are ready to learn more about replacing missing teeth with dental implants, contact our dentist today to schedule your consultation.

How Much do Dental Implants Cost?

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Treatment costs for dental implants can vary widely according to each patient’s personal needs. Your initial consultation with our Los Angeles dental implants expert will help us better understand the exact treatments needed to restore your dental health and complete any necessary procedures.

Several different types of dental procedures are available today, and the type of dental implants you receive can affect the cost. You may also need additional procedures to ensure the success of your dental implants. Some patients need sinus lifts, bone grafts or tissue grafts to build up the area in which the implants will be placed and strengthen the jawbone.

Because dental implants are second only to your own natural teeth, we highly recommend them to virtually any of our patients who have lost teeth to gum disease, dental decay or accidents. Other tooth replacement options require regular replacement. Dental bridges generally only last from five to seven years, and dentures require regular adjustments as the jawbone changes. Dental implants have an extremely high 15-year success rate and can last a lifetime.

Patient satisfaction is high with dental implants. They look, act and feel just like your other teeth, and you can brush and floss them the way you brush and floss all your teeth. They feel so natural that you may even forget you have a dental implant.

Many dental insurance plans today cover part of the cost of dental implants, and financing is available. Contact our dental office today to learn more or to schedule your consultation.

What Types of Benefits do Dental Implants offer?

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Dental implants are considered the gold standard of care when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Implants can be made to look just like your own natural teeth, but the benefits often go far beyond appearance. In fact, when it comes to your dental health, dental implants are considered second only to your own natural teeth.

Designed as a long-term solution to tooth loss, dental implants are supported by your jawbone. Dental bridges, which use other teeth for support, often fail within five to seven years. They will need regular replacement, and if they are not properly maintained, the teeth supporting the bridge can deteriorate until they are also lost. Because dental implants are implanted into the jawbone, they can last 20 years or more and offer you both strength and stability in a tooth that blends flawlessly with your other teeth.

Dentures are another popular option when it comes to tooth replacement. Dentures, which are supported by gums, often require regular adjustment as bone density decreases. Those who wear dentures often feel uncomfortable or self-conscious about their smiles. Poorly fitting dentures can interfere with speech, eating and other everyday activities. Dental implants will not loosen, fall out or click during inconvenient moments, and your bone will be constantly stimulated, which means it is less likely to deteriorate after tooth loss.

If you are ready to learn more about your own personal restoration options, contact our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles and schedule your appointment.

What are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that can support porcelain crowns, dental bridges or dentures for a strong, long-term restoration that is virtually indistinguishable from your own teeth. They can preserve bone density, maintain the natural shape of your face and look just like your own teeth. Dental implants are even maintained just like your own teeth, and the sturdy design means you can use them comfortably and confidently. Our Los Angeles dental implant specialist may recommend dental implants if you have lost one tooth or an entire arch of teeth.

Several types of dental implants are available. Endosteal implants are the most commonly used type of dental implant. They have a cylindrical or screw shape in order to closely match the shape of the natural tooth root.

Subperiosteal implants are not implanted directly into the jawbone but instead rest on the jawbone beneath the gums. Subperiosteal implants may be recommended when there is significant bone loss, and bone grafts are not an option or the patient chooses not to undergo the bone grafting treatment. Because the framework fits over the bone, a subperiosteal can be used to replace the roots of multiple missing teeth.

Dental implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes in order to meet the unique dental health needs of each patient. Our dentist can provide you with information to help you determine the best tooth replacement and dental implant option for your own personal needs.

Contact our dental office today to learn more about dental implants or to schedule a consultation with our dentist.

How Do Dental Implants Replace Lost Teeth?

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Whether you have lost just one tooth or all your teeth, dental implants are often the best restoration option. When a tooth is lost, the bone begins to deteriorate around the socket of the missing tooth. Over time, the jawbone can thin substantially and threaten the health of the adjacent teeth. You may be more likely to suffer decay, periodontal disease or even more lost teeth. Dental implants can help prevent that bone loss and restore and preserve the teeth and the underlying structures.

A dental implant offers a restoration that looks, feels and functions just like your other teeth. If you are a candidate for dental implants, our Los Angeles dental implants specialist will implant a titanium post into the jawbone. As your bone heals, it will grow around the new implant, which is designed to be highly compatible with human tissues. Over a few weeks or months, the implant will become even sturdier. When the implant has sufficiently osseointegrated, or bonded with the jawbone, an abutment will be placed. This abutment will serve as a connector for the replacement tooth.

Dental implants can be used with porcelain crowns to replace one tooth or many missing teeth. You will be able to clean them just like you do your own teeth. Simply brush, floss and visit our dentist for professional cleanings and regular checkups. Dental implants can also be used with dental bridges or dentures to provide a fully customized tooth-replacement solution.

Contact our dental office today to learn more or to schedule your consultation.

When is Ridge Augmentation Necessary?

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Dental implants are often considered the healthiest option for most people who have lost one or several teeth. Our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles can help you determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. The best candidates enjoy good oral health and have sufficient bone density for placement of the implant. However, even if you have inadequate bone tissue, you may still be a candidate. Tissue grafts can help build up the jawbone in order to improve outcomes.

A ridge augmentation may be recommended if deformities exist in the upper or lower jaw. Ridge augmentation can restore the appearance of healthy gums, stimulate natural bone growth and ensure a strong, healthy foundation for prosthetic teeth. Deformities can be caused by injury, trauma, developmental defects, periodontal disease or the long-term wearing of dentures. These deformities can make dental implant placement more difficult, and it can even leave your gums uneven or indented, which could result in difficulty cleaning around the area and increase the risk of gum disease or other dental health problems.

The deformity can be corrected through a ridge augmentation, which exposes the bone deformity and allows our periodontist to build up the area using donor tissue or bone substitute, which can help stimulate the regeneration of bone and gum tissue. After the graft, the incision will be closed and allow to heal, which can take from a few months to a year. The dental implants may then be placed.

Contact our dental office today to learn more about dental implants or to schedule your appointment.

When is a Sinus Lift Necessary?

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Dental implants are one of the healthiest tooth replacement options for most patients. One essential element for a more successful procedure is jawbone density. The jawbone must have sufficient and high-quality bone in order to provide a sturdy foundation for the dental implant. If bone loss has occurred, other procedures may be necessary in order to improve the odds of a successful procedure.

The pressure of teeth fitting together properly stimulates bone tissue and helps keep all your teeth strong and healthy. When one or more teeth are lost, the bone is stimulated less, and bone loss can occur. When teeth located in the upper arch are lost, the bone tissue along the sinuses can become paper thin.

A sinus lift surgery is designed to raise the sinus floor so that the lost bone tissue can be restored. One of several different techniques may be used. The bone may be exposed and an opening made before bone graft material is placed to stimulate the growth of new bone and soft tissues. Healing can take between four and 12 months. After this period, the bone density will be checked, and if it is sufficient, the dental implants can be placed.

Sinus lift procedures generally involve minimal discomfort, and in some cases, the dental implants can be placed during the procedure. Dental implants have a 15-year success rate that is higher than 90 percent and can provide a durable, lifelong restoration. They can be used with dental crowns, dental bridges or dentures for natural-looking, healthy tooth replacements. Contact our dental office today to schedule a consultation with our Los Angeles dental implant expert, and learn more about your tooth replacement options.

What are the Symptoms of Oral Cancer?

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Oral cancer refers to cancers of the soft tissues of the mouth and the pharynx, or the back of the throat. Those who smoke or drink alcohol heavily may be at an increased risk of developing oral cancer. HPV, or human papilloma virus, periodontal disease, increased age, sun exposure and a poor diet are also considered risk factors of oral cancer.

More than 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year, and another 8,000 people die from it. The five year survival rate is just over 50 percent. Survival rates are highest when oral cancer is diagnosed and treated early. Regular dental exams give Dr. Afar an opportunity to examine your oral cavity for symptoms of oral cancers, but you should also be familiar with these symptoms so that you can have them further evaluated when necessary.

Symptoms of oral cancer include:

• A white or red patch in the mouth
• Sores, lumps or irritation on the lips or in the mouth or throat
• Difficulty chewing or swallowing
• Oral numbness
• Swelling of the jaw
• A sudden change in bite or in the way dentures fit
• Ear pain without hearing loss
• Throat discomfort

Although these symptoms can be associated with other dental health conditions, if they persist two or more weeks, a careful evaluation by our Los Angeles dental implants expert can identify the cause. Oral cancer is most treatable when it is identified and treated in its earliest stages.

What is Gum Graft Surgery for?

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Advanced periodontal disease can cause a number of symptoms, including gum inflammation, swelling, pain, bleeding, sore gums, chronic bad breath and gum recession. Tooth roots can become exposed when the gums recede, which can leave you with sensitive teeth, cavities along your tooth roots and periodontal pockets that are deep and difficult to keep clean. If you have gum recession, our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles may recommend gum graft surgery.

Gum graft surgery is designed to restore lost gum tissue and prevent further deterioration, recession and bone loss. The procedure can be used to cover exposed roots and stimulate new gingival growth using tissue from your palate or another donor source. A gum graft surgery may be used for the gums around one tooth or many teeth.

One of the primary benefits of gum graft surgery is that it can prevent further damage associated with periodontal disease, such as bone loss and further recession, and restore lost gum tissue. Tooth sensitivity may be reduced or eliminated, and roots will be less vulnerable to decay. A gum graft surgery can also restore the cosmetic appearance of your smile.

If you are a candidate for gum graft surgery, our specialist for dental implants in Los Angeles will provide you with a treatment plan that may address other aspects of your periodontal health in order to heal your gums and treat the underlying infection. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your comprehensive periodontal evaluation.